ALBUM The Portraits of Duane Michals


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Album The Portraits of
Duane Michals 1958-1988




フォトジャーナリズムがメディアを支配していた1960年から70年にかけて、型破りな写真術で注目を集めたアメリカ人写真家Duane Michals(デュアン・マイケルズ)。『エスクワイア』『ヴォーグ』といった雑誌の商業写真家でもあり、ルネ・マグリット、ロバート・ラウシェンバーグ、ジョセフ・コーネルなどの文学、詩、哲学からインスピレーションを受け、自筆の詩や短文を添えることも多い。本作は、1958年から1988年にかけて撮影されたモノクロのポートレイト作品集。アンディ・ウォーホル、ウィレム・デ・クーニング、クリント・イーストウッド、メリル・ストリープ、リチャード・ギアなど著名人たちの自然な姿が写し出されている。


カテゴリー本・音楽・ゲーム > 本 > 洋書
13200円ALBUM The Portraits of Duane Michals本・音楽・ゲーム本Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals
Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 - Twin Palms

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 - Twin Palms

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken  Sanders Rare Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken Sanders Rare Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 - Twin Palms

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 - Twin Palms

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals [Hardcover] [1989

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals [Hardcover] [1989

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 | Duane michals

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 | Duane michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album : The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 by Duane Michals

Album : The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 by Duane Michals

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals by Duane Michals on Moe's Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals by Duane Michals on Moe's Books

Album, The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988, Ex Libris Gore Vidal

Album, The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988, Ex Libris Gore Vidal

Album, The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988, Ex Libris Gore Vidal

Album, The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988, Ex Libris Gore Vidal

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken  Sanders Rare Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken Sanders Rare Books

Duane Michals: American Photographer - Libera Accademia di Belle

Duane Michals: American Photographer - Libera Accademia di Belle

_Duane Michals — OSMOS

_Duane Michals — OSMOS

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals Book

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals Book

#71 - Duane Michals: The Portraits of Album - YouTube

#71 - Duane Michals: The Portraits of Album - YouTube

Duane Michals - The Greatest Website in History

Duane Michals - The Greatest Website in History

Questions Without Answers - Twin Palms Publishers

Questions Without Answers - Twin Palms Publishers

Duane Michals' witty portraits push and pull his starry subjects

Duane Michals' witty portraits push and pull his starry subjects

Duane Michals and his Four Sorts of Photographic Portraits - The

Duane Michals and his Four Sorts of Photographic Portraits - The

Duane Michals: Portraits by Duane Michals, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®

Duane Michals: Portraits by Duane Michals, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®

The Unfortunate Man | Art Blart

The Unfortunate Man | Art Blart

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Album 1958-1988: The Portraits of Duane Michals: Duane Michals

Duane Michals and his Four Sorts of Photographic Portraits - The

Duane Michals and his Four Sorts of Photographic Portraits - The

Vintage Album the Portraits of Duane Michals Twelvetrees Press - Etsy

Vintage Album the Portraits of Duane Michals Twelvetrees Press - Etsy

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals by Duane Michals on Moe's Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals by Duane Michals on Moe's Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken  Sanders Rare Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 by Duane Michals on Ken Sanders Rare Books

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 - Duane Michals

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 - Duane Michals

Category: Duane Michals - Nick Harvill Libraries

Category: Duane Michals - Nick Harvill Libraries

Duane Michals - The Greatest Website in History

Duane Michals - The Greatest Website in History

Album : the portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 デュアン

Album : the portraits of Duane Michals 1958-1988 デュアン

Exhibition Review: Duane Michals at the Morgan Library — Musée

Exhibition Review: Duane Michals at the Morgan Library — Musée

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 - The Book

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals, 1958-1988 - The Book

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals Book

Album: The Portraits of Duane Michals Book









ALBUM The Portraits of Duane Michals
